Seamless Customer Experience
For anyone that employs Tessitura for their CRM, ticketing, fundraising or memberships, you know that while Tessitura’s web product (TNEW) does a good job of delivering the basics, sometimes a more tailored, organisation-specific solution is required. This was a main focus of the project.
To create a seamless, straight-through flow for customers to login, select seats, tickets and ultimately make their purchase, we needed to think outside the box, while ironically staying inside it! i.e. removing the 'jumps’ between Musica Viva’s website and Tessitura’s web solution.
"There is no mobile experience which is hugely concerning from a ... customer experience point of view with more and more people viewing websites primarily on mobile devices."
The other major challenge was designing a solution that was mobile-focused for the now and for the future as mobile page-view growth continues. We knew how important this was, as did our stakeholders at Musica Viva. This helped us define the problems and the scope of the project which help align thinking and overall strategy regarding our approach to tackling the solution.